We’re giving away 10 Free Copies of the Brand-New, Ultimate “B” Horror Collection, the SHOCK-O-RAMA HORROR COLLECTION - PLUS – each DVD collection includes a complimentary set of 8x10s! – See info below to enter!

About the Collection: Available at a store near you June 15, 2010, the Shock-O-Rama Horror Collection contains the four feature films SCREAMING DEAD, BITE ME!, SHOCK-O-RAMA and BACTERIUM. Kurt Dahlke over at DVDTalk.com got a sneak peak at the collection and proclaimed:
“Lovers of this stuff want cheap, smart laughs, cheesy gore, great monsters and much, much nudity. Piper delivers in spades, and he doesn't insult you in the process”
Read entire review here

The Contest: Practical effects wizard and Director of the films featured in the SHOCK-O-RAMA HORROR COLLECTION, Brett Piper, is heavily influenced by classic stop motion animators RAY HARRYHAUSEN and WILLIS O'BRIEN, who created some incredible creatures during their respected careers. To win your complimentary copy of the SHOCK-O-RAMA HORROR COLLECTION plus the ultra cool 8x10s, send an email reply to the question
What is your favorite Stop Motion animated movie monster?
to publicity@alternativecinema.com
Pretty easy huh? Winners will be alerted by email the final week of June. And, be sure to check back the first of every month for a new AC promotion and a new contest.
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I noticed the AC website has more DVD collections that are coming soon. I think that's great, I really love buying DVD sets like this. They really are outstanding values.
ReplyDeleteGot my price sooner today, Thanks again!